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mySQM™ QA - Reward & Recognition to Motivate

Agents receive award points based on post-call surveys and QA performance to motivate them to deliver great CX. Award points are earned in real-time, converted to dollars, and redeemed using an SQM debit card to recognize excellent performance.

a blue hexagon with coins and the words Earn Points in front.

Earn Award Points

Based on post-call surveys, QA evaluation results, and other contributions, agents earn award points that are converted to cash within minutes of the evaluation.

A video game controller on a blue hexagon


Use gamification to increase engagement in a fun way that motivates agents to improve or sustain high CSat, FCR, and QA.

A hand holding a credit card

Redeem Award Points

Award points are converted to dollars and can be redeemed using an SQM debit card to purchase what agents want at most retailers. Award points can be redeemed in near real-time after receiving a post-call survey or QA evaluation score.

Employee Recognition Benefits

  • There is a strong business case to motivate employees through financial and appreciation recognition, especially considering that over 40% of unresolved calls result from an agent having a will issue. In addition, SQM's research shows that agents recognized for delivering high CX are motivated to go the extra mile to resolve calls.
  • mySQM™ QA includes an effective agent financial recognition feature that is a best practice and the quickest approach to motivate agents to improve and provide great CSat, FCR, and QA.
  • mySQM™ QA helps recognize agents through award points earned in near real-time after a QA evaluation that is converted to dollars and redeemed at most retailers using an SQM debit card.
  • Agent recognition is frequent, timely, descriptive, and impactful, making it a powerful mySQM™ QA tool feature for motivating agents to improve CSat, customer service, and reduce repeat calls for the same issue.
a fine grey line with a hexagon

Employee Recognition Points

Agents can earn award points based on positive behaviors, high customer satisfaction, call resolution, and QA results. Based on an agent's performance (e.g., CSat, QA), mySQM™ QA automatically awards points. An agent can also earn points for positive behavior and contributions from their peers and supervisors. Frequently recognizing positive behaviors and CX motivates employees and promotes repeated positive actions.

A computer monitor with coins behind

A white curved line

Call Center Gamification

Gamification enhances agents' motivation to improve their CSat, FCR, and QA, making the working environment more fun. As a result, positive CX behaviors become an ingrained part of the call center's culture and experience. Adding contests and recognition creates motivated and happier agents who propel your call center to improve CX and QA. Gamification can allow agents to receive additional dollars from their earned points.

A person working on their desk but the desk is a tablet with the words Game Zone
a white curved bottom

Redeem Points for Rewards

Points earned by agents are converted to dollars in near real-time and can be redeemed using an SQM debit card, which is used at most retailers. Agents redeeming points for things they want reinforce their motivation to repeat the positive CX behaviors in customer interactions. Moreover, improving FCR, CSat, and QA performance allows agents to earn more financial rewards that can be redeemed and used in day-to-day life (e.g., coffee, lunch, merchandise, movies, etc.). Finally, using their SQM debit card gives an agent instant gratification, knowing the great CX they provided allowed them to pay for something they wanted.

A shopping card with gift bags and presents on top of an SQM credit card