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mySQM™ QA - CX Benchmarking and Ranking

Customer satisfaction, first call resolution, mySQM™ QA Score benchmarking, and ranking data are captured and reported in real-time through mySQM™ QA personalized agent dashboards. Great agent, supervisor, and call center performance is awarded and certified.

Magnigying glass looking over graph data above a laptop on a blue background

Capturing Benchmarkable Data

CX survey and QA data are captured in a standardized, benchmarkable manner from the agent to the call center level and by segment, call reason, etc.

A computer monitor with reports and a magnifying glass.

Benchmarking and Certification

We benchmark agents, managers, and call centers using metrics such as FCR, Csat, NPS®, mySQM™ QA Scores, etc. SQM certifies agents who have delivered world-class CX performance.

an Icon green checkmark above a tablet over graphs on a blue hexagon

CX Dashboard Reporting

Benchmarking and ranking CX and QA data is captured and reported in real-time through mySQM™ Customer Service QA software and available at the agent to the SVP level.

Benchmarking, Awarding & Certifying

The benchmarking data provides powerful Csat and QA performance comparisons for agents, supervisors, and call centers to compare themselves to other (e.g., peers, average, and world-class) employees. In addition, call centers can compare their Csat and QA performance against their peers, average, and world-class companies.

Many agents and call centers improve their FCR and Csat performance by up to 10% when benchmarking and ranking performance. One of the best parts about SQM's FCR, Csat, and QA Benchmarking and tracking is to award and certify world-class performing agents, supervisors, and call centers.

CX Benchmarking

Post-Call Surveying and QA Evaluations

A random sample of post-call CX surveys is conducted with customers who have interacted with a call center within one business day of their interaction. FCR and Csat questions are the same for all benchmarking participants. Furthermore, we use standardized metrics for QA benchmarking to evaluate call centers to benchmark their QA performance against their peers and average and world-class companies.

Capturing FCR and CX

Standardized Benchmarking Data

We use standardized questions and methods for measuring KPI metrics (e.g., mySQM™ QA Score, FCR, Csat) to make the data benchmarkable. As a result, the contact center industry views SQM as the thought leader and the gold standard for measuring, benchmarking, and improving their QA, ​​​FCR, and Csat. mySQM™ QA Score is comprised of 10 KPIs that have a proven track record for effectively evaluating call quality service and is benchmarkable for call centers to compare their CX, QA, and call compliance performance against their peers, average, and world-class companies.

Vector graphic of three reports with a magnifying glass ontop of a taptop computer

Agent Dashboard Reporting

Real-time access to your CX and QA benchmarking information is available to all staff levels in a secure encrypted platform through mySQM™ personalized dashboards. The benchmarking dashboard reports are designed to make it easy for agents to the SVP level to see how their CX and QA performance compares to their peers, average, and high performers.

Vector Reports behind a tablet with a pencil the data